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React Integrations

Hey there, I am looking to have this integrated into my Next.js website, which is built on top of React 18. Do you have any recommended approaches for this stack?

Vue Integration

Hey there, I am looking to have this integrated into my Vue.js website, which is built on vue2. Do you have any recommended approaches for this stack? or how do I use widgets for referring a friends and others

Outbound email address not sending

I've configured a custom outbound email address. In the settings, the new email address passes the checks for 'Verified domain', 'SPF record is valid', and 'DKIM record is valid'. However, when I then do a test email or directly test on our landing page, I don't receive an email. I've checked my spam folder and there's nothing there. It's not clear to me where the issue is. How should I debug this?

Error 403 forbidden "Feature access: disabled" when try to convert user

Hi, i'm trying to call endpoint /api/v3/campaign/participant/convert to convert a user but i receive this error. Why? curl --request POST \ --url https://app.viral-loops.com/api/v3/campaign/participant/convert \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'apiToken: xxxxxxxx' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data ' { "user": { "email": "[email protected]" } } '

Vue Integration

Hey there, I am looking to have this integrated into my Vue.js website, which is built on vue2. Do you have any recommended approaches for this stack? or how do I use widgets for referring a friends and others

Add point manually

Hi, can I add a point manually to a participant?

Campaign Info - status code : 406

I am getting error as below - { "statusCode": 406, "error": "Not Acceptable", "message": "Invalid Campaign identifier", "description": "Campaign could not be found" } where as in home page I can see active campaigns. Could you please help me here ?

problem with the participants documentation

I'm trying to integrate with my site: <https://aidraw.ai>, but when I am referring to parts of your documentation I see this error message : Backend API Participant Registration ⚠️ This reference guide is currently experiencing difficulties and will be back online shortly. ERR-T11CIS Can you kindly check and let me know when this can fixed? Thanks

Integrations - Custom JS

Hi all, I'm enabling the custom JS integration to push an event on successful submission, but the code never executes. I see my code downloaded to client (user) but it doesn't execute on submission. Any suggestions? Thank you,

API to know users referred count

Hi , Is their an API which can tell me how many friends have been referred to by given user have signed up. This is basically to show the referred count on the page.